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The Integrated Hybrid-Pixel Direct
Electron Detector for Diffraction
ideally suited for Precession-Assisted

TESCAN TENSOR is designed as an integrated, precession-assisted, analytical 4D-STEM from the ground up. A choice was made early on to integrate the QUADRO detector of DECTRIS, a leading developer and manufacturer of accurate, high-performance, hybrid-pixel X-ray and electron de-tectors ( The properties of the DECTRIS QUADRO, notably the large size (512x512 pixels), sensitivity, and speed (2,250 fps @ 16 bit) make this detector particularly suited for precession-assisted 4D-STEM applications.

Access the DECTRIS QUADRO brochure HERE

Learn more about Precession Electron Diffraction HERE

Unleashing the full potential of Direct Electron Detection


Luca Piazza, Product Manager Electron Microscopy at DECTRIS, speaks to the successful and enjoyable collaboration between TESCAN and DECTRIS on the integration of the QUADRO hybrid-pixel detector with the TESCAN TENSOR platform.


“Having such level of integration of our hybrid-pixel direct electron detector in TESCAN’s newest integrated precession-assisted analytical 4D-STEM, will fully unleash the potential of this technology. Even the fastest, most sensitive, and reliable detector is of no service without the rest of the system. We are confident that the properties of DECTRIS QUADRO employed in this solution will help many researchers to achieve great results.”

An image of TESCAN TENSOR with Dectris Quadro, a direct electron diffraction camera attached at the top.


TESCAN TENSOR also excels in the wide range of STEM, 4D-STEM and Tomography measurements integrated in the system, accessible quickly also by novel users without exhaustive training and experience in (S)TEM operational procedures. Explore by clicking any of the links below.

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